Many times, renting can be a challenging experience, particularly when there are questions you have left unanswered. Below is a list of helpful Frequently Asked Questions that we have come across over the years, as well as their answers to assist you with your next tenancy.
1. How do I apply for a property?
If you have found a property that has caught your attention directly on our website, there will be a link to Apply Now, taking you to a PDF form which you can fill in and send through to us.
If the property was on a 3rd party source (eg. Domain or RealEsate), they will have a link to “Apply Now” through an online platform called ‘Ignite’. This will take you through the necessary steps.
2. What information is important to an agent/landlord when applying?
Supporting documentation is essential in submitting a successful application. There are many documents you can attach to your application that can ensure a faster response from your agent or landlord. Some, but not all, can include: 3 x recent payslips, bank statement or summary, council or strata levy (if you are a home owner), rental ledger (if you are renting), passport, drivers license, Medicare card, accountant letter or Tax return.
Key thing to remember: a landlord/agent wants you to be able to demonstrate your eligibility to 1. Pay the rent diligently, and 2. Look after the property as your own.
3. How to report maintenance and repairs?
As soon as a repair or maintenance comes to your knowledge, it is best to ensure your Property Manager is made aware right away by phone and by email. Attaching photos and as much information as possible of the areas of concern is most beneficial and will ensure a faster response time.
4. How to report maintenance after hours?
If you find that you have an after hours emergency (eg. No lights, no hot water or a major leak), you will be given emergency details to make contact with, who will then follow up with our agency the following day. Please ensure that you notify your Property Manager in writing of the nature of the call out and the situation at hand. To determine what is “emergency” is listed on your Lease Agreement. If you decide to use your own after hours contractors, you may be held liable for costs we deem unreasonable.
5. Can I make changes to the property?
Before making changes to the property, please ask your Property Manager to seek the landlord’s permission. You can be held liable for damages for any changes made without first seeking the landlord’s permission, this also includes making holes in the walls for hanging pictures and artwork.
6. What is the pet policy?
Every property has its own pet policy. If you are considering to bring in a pet, you must first seek the permission of the owner by raising it with your Property Manager. They will also then need to seek approval of the Strata Committee if you are in an apartment building, which can take time.
7. What if I damage or break something at the property?
Your must communicate this straight with your Property Manager. If it is something easily repairable, you may be able to do this yourself. If it is something that requires a professional, the Property Manager will then refer you to one of their preferred tradespeople.
Please keep in mind you are liable for any damages, whether accidental or intentional, so it is very important this is raised with us right away.
8. When is my rent due? To what bank account do I pay?
The rent is due whether weekly, fortnightly or monthly, depending on what you have agreed at the commencement of your lease.
The bank account details will be on your Lease Agreement, please refer to your lease for payment information.
If you would like to alternate the method of payment, (eg. Pay via credit card), please refer to your Property Manager for assistance.
9. What do I do if I need to break my lease?
It is never a good thing to see you go early, however if the circumstances arise and you need to vacate earlier than expected, please give your Property Manager as much notice as possible with your intention to vacate. This will give the team enough time to market the property and secure a new tenant for the landlord.
The break lease terms are as follows:
- 1st quarter of the lease = 4 weeks rent penalty
- 2nd quarter of the lease = 3 weeks rent penalty
- 3rd quarter of the lease = 2 weeks rent penalty
- 4th quarter of the lease = 1 week rent penalty